Select Your Green Energy Source Today!

By selcting green energy producer and purchasing Guarantees of Origin (GOs), you ensure that renewable energy has been produced and injected into the EU electricity grid allowing you to claim carbon neutrality.


Browse GOs by technology

Trending GOs

Wind Park Stocholm

Open interest for crowd funding

PV Park Aarhus

Biggest impact on local communy

How it works?

Where green producers meet green prosumers

Achieve your sustainable goals with just a click.

Green Producer

A green energy producers generates green power without carbon emissions. For every MWh of energy produced, a Guarantee of Origin is issued. 


Connects green producers with green prosumers and transfers  Guarantee of Origin from a prducer to a prosumer, ensuring security and transparancy of processes that align with EU renewable regulations.

Green Prosumer

Green energy prosumer purchases Guarantee of Origin to become carbon neutral and to further support the production of a green energy and clean environement.

What is Guarantee of Origin (GO)?

  • GO is EU approved certificate that verifies energy is generated from renewable sources.
  • Each GO purchased represents 1 megawatt-hour (MWh) of renewable energy produced.
  • Mechanism encourages investments in and development of renewable energy projects.


OxyCop Local Support Initiative

OxyCop support decarbonisation of local public events by froviding free green certificates to power the happening.

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For Sustainable Events

For Sustainable Sport

OxyCop support decarbonisation of sustainable local sport organisation by froviding free green certificates.

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For Sustainable NGO

OxyCop support decarbonisation of NGOs by froviding free green certificates.

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Get involved

A Path to Carbon Neutrality

with a Local Touch

Choose your favourite energy producer and buy green certificates directly from him.

With the purchase of sufficient amount of certificate you become carbon neutral. 

Share of each certificate sold goes to OxyCop Local Support Initiative to support local organisations and events.

Buy OxyCop Certificates & Make an Impact Now!

Call to learn more

+44 1234 567890


Earth's Guardians

Stay updated on environmental initiatives and breakthroughs supporting a sustainable future.

Eco Wins

Celebrating eco victories bringing hope globally.

Climate Action

Urgent climate measures underway worldwide.

Green Tech

Exploring cutting-edge sustainable technologies advancing change.

Wildlife Rescue

Efforts to protect endangered wildlife species.


Connect with OxyCop

Join us in our mission to protect the environment. Get in touch today!

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+44 1234 567890